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Expert visit from Prof. Ayoub Karine

07. May 2024.

It was an insightful March at Munich University of Applied Sciences when we had the honor of welcoming Prof. Ayoub Karine from the University of Nantes (France) to our institute. During his visit, Prof. Karine gave an insight into the latest developments in deep learning applied to 3D point clouds. His pioneering work in this field offers innovative solutions to the challenges of segmentation and quality evaluation of 3D data.

Prof. Karine spoke about the application of teacher-student learning models to the processing of 3D point clouds, an approach with the potential to significantly improve the speed and efficiency of data analysis without sacrificing quality. In particular, he highlighted how such models can revolutionize semantic segmentation and quality assessment of new point clouds by using known object point clouds as a baseline for quality learning. This opens up new avenues for real-time assessments and applications in various industries.

Prof. Karine also discussed his methods for quality assessment. He showed how by applying deep learning, the semantic segmentation of 3D point clouds can achieve new quality standards, which is of great importance for real-time data processing.

Prof. Hoegner then presented the latest findings from our own IAMLIS research projects. The exchange fostered a lively discussion about possible future collaborations between our university and the University of Nantes.

This visit was not only an academic exchange, but also marked the beginning of a promising collaboration between our institutions. The intercultural and academic dialog between the universities of Germany and France is important to us and we are grateful that Prof. Karine shared his insights and visions with us.

We would like to thank Prof. Ayoub Karine for his inspiring visit and look forward to the exciting projects and collaborations that may arise from it. The visit was a further step towards a globally networked and forward-looking academic community.