roVer: More efficient transport infrastructures through robust networking
A central element of intelligent traffic infrastructures and innovative mobility concepts is networking: road users communicate with each other and with mobility service providers and traffic infrastructure. The information thus distributed via mobile communications (cellular or, in the future, directly) thus influences the behavior of road users. At the same time, however, user behavior and mobility also influence the communications infrastructure - up to and including a complete breakdown of communications, e.g., during major events or in extreme situations, such as the Munich attack in July 2016. As intelligent traffic systems become more widespread, these interactions between traffic infrastructure, user mobility, and communications infrastructure will continue to increase. The goal of this project is therefore to systematically investigate the interaction between mobility behavior and wireless networking based on characteristic scenarios and to develop suitable methods for robust networking and information dissemination in these mobility scenarios.
For this purpose, a simulation environment was developed within the project, which couples the people flow simulator Vadere, developed at the Munich University of Applied Sciences by Prof. Köster, with a 4G/5G wireless simulation, thus enabling the investigation of procedures for a more efficient dissemination of mobility information. This environment as well as the investigated approaches will be published in the form of an open-source project in addition to scientific publications.
The project is coordinated by the University of Applied Sciences Munich, project partners (WPK partners) are accu:rate GmbH (Institute for Crowd Simulation) and Stadtwerke München GmbH (Transport Division). The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research within the funding program "Research at Universities of Applied Sciences" under the funding code 13FH669IX6.
Project duration:
01.10.2018 - 30.09.2023
Funding source:
Federal Ministry of Education and Research, BMBF
Project executing agency:
VDI Technology Center GmbH, Düsseldorf
Project partner:
accu:rate GmbH - Institute for Crowd Simulation,
Stadtwerke München GmbH - Transport Division,
Technical University of Munich - Faculty of Computer Science
Funding code:
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