Investigation of Personal, Sociocultural, and Organizational Influences on the Quality of Work Outcomes in Software Development
Director: Prof. Dr. Robert Lindermeier
Deputy Director: Prof. Dr. Peter Mandl
Essential processes in business and society depend on the proper functionality of the IT applications that support them. Ensuring this functionality requires an adequate level of quality in IT products. The quality of IT applications is influenced by multiple factors. In addition to the foundational techniques of software engineering, so-called "soft factors" also play a significant role. Three of these factors will be examined in greater detail within the scope of this research project: individual influences, sociocultural conditions, and organizational requirements, particularly those driven by economic considerations.
The psoEQS project investigates the influence of three soft factors—individual, sociocultural, and organizational—on the quality of IT products within various focal areas. Specifically, the project pursues the following objectives:
Analysis and causal representation of the relationships between work outcomes on the one hand and software development techniques as well as the aforementioned soft factors on the other.
Development of methods or processes to improve quality based on the findings.
Validation studies.
Publication of recommendations for practical application.
Focus Areas (Selection)
Approaches for qualitative evaluation of AI applications (KIQ).
Process harmonization: Agile software development in traditionally organized companies.
Support for distributed project work through natural user interfaces (completed).
Type of Funding
Industrial third-party funding
Collaboration Partners
Partners of the Competence Center for Business Informatics