Safety and reliability through intelligent systems
Resilient behaviour of intelligent systems and the use of autonomous aircraft swarms increase operational safety and efficiency by reacting quickly to disruptions, minimising failures and enabling safe rescue operations in difficult areas.
Research projects with this focus
- ARCTIS - Periodische Regelung eines Rotors mit formadaptivem Wölbungs-Mechanismus
- Brake-HiL?- Bremsen Hardware-in-the-Loop Prüfstand für die modellbasierte Entwicklung von Bremssysteme für E-Fahrzeuge und automatisierte Fahrzeuge
- GIDAS - Deutsche Studie zur vertieften Verkehrsunfalldatenerhebung
- MSSKW - Effiziente Modellierung und Simulation stochastischer Einflüsse auf die Körperschallausbreitung in Wellenleitern
Selected publications on this focus
- Bredlau, Marvin & Weber, Alexander & Knoll, Alexander. (2023). FORFIS: A forest fire firefighting simulation tool for education and research. 10.48550/arXiv.2305.17967.
- Fothen, Christoph & Paula, Daniel & Böhm, Klaus. (2023). Die Bedeutung von Fahrmodusdaten für die Aufklärung von Verkehrsunfällen. 01/2023.
- Ossmann, Daniel. (2024). Attack detection in cyber-physical systems via nullspace-based filter designs. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 58. 526-531. 10.1016/j.ifacol.2024.07.272.
- Paula, Daniel & Bauder, Maximilian & Pfeilschifter, Claus & Petermeier, Franziska & Kubjatko, Tibor & Böhm, Klaus & Riener, Andreas & Schweiger, Hans-Georg. (2023). Impact of Partially Automated Driving Functions on Forensic Accident Reconstruction: A Simulator Study on Driver Reaction Behavior in the Event of a Malfunctioning System Behavior. Sensors. 23. 10.3390/s23249785.
- Wibmer, Michael. (2024). Nonparametric approach for structural dynamics of high-voltage cables. Results in Engineering. 22. 10.1016/j.rineng.2024.102168.
- Yu, Jingfei & Chang, Jing & Chen, Weisheng & Cieslak, Jérôme & Ossmann, Daniel. (2024). An Integrated Method for Early and Robust Detection of Oscillatory Failure Cases in Flight Control Systems. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 58. 115-120. 10.1016/j.ifacol.2024.07.203.