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L’art pour l’art et la science pour la science? Not with us!

10. January 2024.

Science must also serve teaching. Students learn how to work scientifically and publish in the first semesters, for example in the "Remote Sensing" module. Later on, students have the opportunity to delve deeper into current research topics with their final thesis.

In the Master's degree program in Geomatics (@hochschulemuenchen ), we worked on scientific articles on current research topics as a voluntary internship. The content was prepared by the students, presented to the course and discussed together. The students were able to draw on their own knowledge from the "Advanced Remote Sensing" module.

This week, we hosted two graduates of the Faculty of Geoinformation, Lea Schollerer (DLR @germanaerospacecenter ) and Sarah Hauser (IAMLIS), who reported on their current research work as part of their dissertations. In addition to the professional exchange in the field of time series analysis, there were also very interesting insights into the everyday life of researchers today.