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Ein Mann und eine Frau an einem Tisch vor großem Bildschirm

Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship B2B-Matchmaking Event

03. November 2020

On November 3rd & 4th, the four industry partners Korian, Daiichi Sankyo Europe GmbH, metafinanz Informationssysteme GmbH, C&S Computer und Software GmbH and 9 Start-Ups had the opportunity to network and discuss potential matches. Over the course of two days in our online event, all 9 start-ups were chosen for 1 or more 1&1 meetings by our 4 industry partners. The discussions showed strong potential for further B2B co-creation activities. The SCE hostet the event and supports the start-ups and industry partners in this process to guarantee the best outcome for all parties!

M:UniverCity helps the B2B matches to connect with other actors from academia, civil society & politics /administration.

We are thankful to all participants for making this event such a great success. Here's to many more to come.

Find more about SCE (Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship) under