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Considering Socio-Technical Parameters in Energy System Models—The Current Status and Next Steps

The advance of climate change demands a rapid decarbonization of energy production and the rational use of energy. In order to successfully implement the energy transition, strategic planning of measures in different levels of the energy systems is necessary.

The energy transition is a complex development towards a climate-neutral, economic, safe, and fair energy system. Therefore, numerical energy system models, among others, can make a significant contribution by simulating, optimizing and thus demonstrating possible transition pathways. Representative models and forecasting tools are needed to illustrate the next necessary steps and measures for the various target groups. In the literature, such energy system models have been studied and evaluated many times.

This paper presents the approaches of previous reviews and analyses of how technical, economic, and social aspects of energy system models have been investigated so far. It is shown that especially recent studies already address this topic, but still receive insufficient recognition. Besides the general structural features, the technical modeling details were evaluated in the previous literature. Thereby, a part of the examined general reviews assesses the representation of consumer behavior in the models as a representative for social system aspects. Only a minor amount of the energy system models analyzed there per se represent consumer behavior.

Read more details in the published article.