Steel Construction and Welding Technology

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Imke Engelhardt

The research field of steel construction and welding technology is headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Imke Engelhardt. This research area aims to develop material-saving, resource-saving and durable steel and lightweight structures and to extend the remaining service life of existing steel structures.

The research area is divided into the following work areas:

  • load-bearing capacity and structural optimization
  • fatigue, operational stability
  • corrosion
  • modern measurement technology

The topics are worked on for steel structures of civil engineering as well as mechanical engineering. With regard to renewable energy developments, the support structures of onshore and offshore wind turbines (WTG) are analyzed. The focus is on resource conservation, sustainability and minimization of emissions as well as service life extension of existing plants. The use of novel joining techniques and resource optimization are analyzed taking into account the particular exposures of the turbines.

The research work includes both numerical calculations and experimental investigations that allow verification of the calculations. By using modern measurement technology, complex stress conditions as well as damage mechanisms can be recorded and analyzed.