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Theater Society Munich

New Digital Image for TheaGe Munich

16. June 2020.

The Theater-Society Munich (TheaGe), an association specialising in cultural mediation in the Munich area, has been struggeling for years with a decline in membership. To receive a more modern and digital image, they turned to the Munich University of Applied Sciences for help. Three student teams analysed the association's working methods and made suggestions for new digital services. The ideas were the following: An increased focus on audio-visual content (trailers etc.) for advertising purposes, a wide range of events for people with similar interests (e.g. Meet & Greets with artists) and a podcast with current information, interviews and knowledge contributions on theatre and culture. The suggestions were well received by the TheaGe and will be examined further for their feasibility.

The student teams were supported by Amazon Web Services with the "Working Backwards" innovation strategy.

The full report on the challenge can be found here.