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The picture shows the prototype of a website or member platform designed by a team of students for the Theater Gesellschaft München ( Theatre Society Munich). At the top of the website you can see the names of various sub-pages, e.g. FAQ, Events, Blog, Forum,... Below is a picture of a large orchestra in an opera or theatre building. The orchestra is playing in front of a full audience. Below that, there are four columns showing what can be found on the various sub-pages. They are named

Students Design Platform for Theatre Fans

23. March 2021.

As part of a challenge with the Theatergemeinde München ("TheaGe"), a team of German and Finnish students from HM and TAMK (Tampere) designed an interactive membership platform. The TheaGe, which had already previously awarded challenges to the DTLab and HM students, hoped this would help them to achieve their current goals: to become more digital and to attract new, younger members this way. The students' idea was to digitalize all of the TheaGe's offerings, from services to ticket sales, and to give members the opportunity to exchange ideas through an online forum. During the innovation process, the students received support from the DTLab and AWS.

The full report on the challenge can be found here.

See the students' video documenting the challenge.

Contact the DTLab team for any questions.