Measuring the Acquisition of Competences
DTLab Challenge with the State Institute for School Quality and Educational Research

The State Institute for School Quality and Educational Research (German: ISB) supports and advises the Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs in the further development of the differentiated school system. It makes the findings of research and practical experience available to schools. The ISB works closely and responsibly with its clients and partners from the educational administration and supports the further development of schools and teaching.
The starting point was the question: "How can students find out at the end of a school year what they actually learned and how can this be measured?"
Learning is understood here as the acquisition of certain abilities and skills and accordingly goes far beyond the acquisition of declarative knowledge. However, common measurement methods usually refer only to declarative knowledge. Therefore the question arose, with which measuring instruments the acquisition of competencies by learners could be measured sufficiently and how feedback could be given to the learners.
In the course "Social Entrepreneurship II" of the faculties 10 (Business Administration) and 11 (Applied Social Sciences) three teams developed ideas and concepts to find a solution to the problem. To do this, they received support from Amazon Web Services (AWS) and learned how to apply Amazon's innovation method "Working Backwards". The ISB presented the challenge and was available for questions and feedback while the challenge took place.
Team 1 (School Tank) developed a concept for new learning and experimental spaces in schools. These could enable the teaching staff to implement decision- and action-oriented projects at their schools. School Tank makes acquired competences comprehensible and testable for students. Competences are measured across all subjects in the format of voluntary practical projects.
Team 2 (Competenz) designed an app that gives students the opportunity to test their acquired skills independently and digitally on the computer. The basic principle is to move away from the grading system towards information about acquired competences based on immediate feedback. The successful internet portal "mebis", which is already being used as a learning platform for teachers and pupils in Bavaria, serves as an interface.
Team 3 developed the "MEBIS-City" concept that enables Bavarian students to assess and improve their own media skills in an online and offline learning game embedded in the curriculum. "Mebis City" is based on the concept of gamification, meaning that students create avatars which then land in different learning situations.
Next steps
The results were presented to the ISB.
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Georg Zollner, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gehra
Date: 13.03.2020
A selection of the documents created by the students during the challenge can be found here: