TheaGe Community Platform
DTLab Challenge with Theatergemeinde e. V. Munich

The challenge giver of this challenge was the Theatergemeinde München (“TheaGe”), who we had worked with on a previous challenge. The TheaGe is a non-profit organization that acts as a cultural mediator and that facilitates the access to various cultural offerings in Munich for its members. Unfortunately, the TheaGe had to deal with a constant decrease in membership numbers over the past decades due to an over-aging of its members. The challenge hence was to develop a solution that would take the established business model of the TheaGe into the digital area to attract a new, younger audience. This audience should then be convinced to become new members.
Currently, young, culturally interested people are mostly using the Internet to look for suitable events. This search, however, often turns into a challenge since there is an oversupply of offers that is often presented in an unstructured way. The student team that had the aim to improve this situation therefore stated the problem as follows: "These days, culturally interested intellectual best agers around Munich are looking for like-minded people and for information about the cultural scene but instead often fail to get a proper overview due to an overflow of information."
Despite the well-established and appreciated business model of the TheaGe, the organization has to deal with a decreasing number of memberships due to an over-aging of its members. Subsequently, the TheaGe has to find new ways to attract more digital affine members. In addition, these should tackle the problem of information overload and disorder when culturally interested people research activities online.
The solution statement therefore was formulated as follows: "We create a platform to strengthen the community feeling and to offer online features to a new, digital audience that facilitate the navigation of the diverse cultural landscape in Munich."
Consequently, the solution that the student team suggested for both outlined problems was an all-in-one digital community platform, that focuses on offering the highly valued services of the TheaGe (early ticket access, discounts, and personal consultation) and creates a community feeling (with social exchange, a forum, blogs & meet-ups) at the same time. To come up with this solution, the students used the Design Thinking methodology.
First, they worked on answering the five questions of Amazon's innovation method "Working Backwards". Then they applied the Scrum methodology. The student team consisted of nine students from Munich University of Applied Science (MUAS) and the University of Tampere (TAMK). The proposed and subsequently developed solution was displayed in a storyboard, too. The links to the created documents can be found at the end of this article.
Innovation in Action
The prototype is a digital platform, developed on Angular with Amplify, that displays the variety of offers that the TheaGe has for its members. This includes a section on upcoming and recommended events, which are stored in a database using dynamo DB and where an API could be integrated for direct ticket sales, a blog, where members are informed about the most recent news, insights and behind the scenes information, and a forum, where members can interact and communicate with each other in various categories and sub-categories. Additionally, platform standard features such as an informative “About Us” page, a categorized FAQ section and the opportunity to directly contact the TheaGe via various channels were created. Each user can now create a personal profile, too.
The prototype allows to create user profiles and to add new users who officially signed up to become a TheaGe member. In the future, members will also be able to manage their preferences in their profile for more personalized event and content recommendations. In addition, an Admin profile is available that includes special rights to manage, add, and remove content or users on the platform and the possibility to moderate the forum and act as a cultural mediator.
The platform was built using Amazon Web Services.
Next Steps
Given the short time available to create the prototype, not all features were fully developed. The student team therefore had some suggestions for the TheaGe on how to create a wholesome community platform, based on their ideas, in the future.
At this point in time the blog section only re-directs to the already existing blog on the TheaGe’s website. In the future, the content should be transferred to the members exclusive TheaGe platform. Additionally, every page should include a live chat window, with which members should have the opportunity to easily get in direct contact with a TheaGe employee.
When this article was submitted, a cooperation of the TheaGe with Munich ticket was still under negotiations. However, the subsequent step would be the implementation of an API to allow TheaGe members to directly purchase their tickets to the events they would like to attend online. Hand in hand with this goes the plan to include real-time-seat booking, allowing members to select and choose their seats on an interactive mini-map before ticket purchase.
Three other suggestions include personalizing user profiles, implementing a filter function for events, and redesigning the platform. The first would respect and value the user as an individual, the second would enable personalized recommendations and the third would allow an adaption of the platform design to the already existing design of the TheaGe website and promotional material.
About the Co-Innovation Lab
This challenge was carried out as a joint project between the DTLab and the Co-Innovation-Lab of the Munich University of Applied Sciences. The Co-Innovation Lab is a comprehensive concept for innovation projects between students and companies. Temporary innovation partnerships - in the form of projects - are created between companies, students and lecturers. Initiated by Prof. Holger Günzel and Prof. Lars Brehm (both Munich University of Applied Sciences), more than 25 innovation projects are currently carried out each year, often on an interdisciplinary basis. The Co-Innovation Lab is structured as an open community. Interested lecturers can use the concept of the Co-Innovation Lab in their courses and are welcome to actively participate in its further development.
Faculty: FK10 Business Administration
Lecturers: Prof. Lars Brehm; Prof. Holger Günzel
Challengegiver: Theatre Society Munich
Team: Students from MUAS & TAMK
Date: 09.01.2021
Supporting Documents
The following documents were created by the students during the challenge: