M-Wallet – Making Better Use of Munich's Offers
DTLab-Challenge with the City of Munich

The challenge "M-Wallet" is a continuation of the challenge "Capacity Finder". As a component of the City of Munich's Digitalisation Radar, the objectives of the "Capacity Finder" are to promote community, inclusion and participation within the city's society.
The City of Munich is currently looking for ways to motivate citizens to make more use of its diverse offers such as the Munich Pass, Holiday Pass and Family Pass.
As the capacity finder focuses primarily on the aspects of inclusion and participation, students asked themselves: "What is currently preventing the target groups from using the offers of the various passes?"
Two key questions were addressed from the feedback round of the first capacity finder challenge:
- "How could the stigmatisation of the current paper-based passes be reduced?"
- "How could citizens be informed better about what the passes offer?"
With the help of M-Wallet, the solution proposed by the student team, the user experience of purchased passes is to be improved. Admission to services offered by the City of Munich, such as swimming pools, is to be made possible via QR code. This will eliminate the need to "show" the paper-based pass, which is often perceived as stigmatising. In addition, the app is supposed to inform citizens about other interesting offers.
Innovation in action
During the challenge, the team of five students from the Munich University of Applied Sciences received support from Amazon Web Services. The prototype was implemented as a native Android app. Generally available technologies such as Java and AWS-specific services such as AWS Amplify were used. The prototype was presented online during the final event with the City of Munich.
Next steps
The presentation of the results was very well received. However, it is not yet clear whether and to what extent the project will be pursued.
Organisation: IT department of the City of Munich
Main contacts: Dr. Michael Bungert, Dr. Petra Wolf, Mark Wiele
Lecturers: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Olav Hinz
Date: 16.09.2020
Supporting documents
The following documents were produced as part of the challenge: