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Data-based measures to reduce energy consumption and improve energy efficiency at Munich University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Simon Schramm

Project background

In the Laboratory for Solar Technology and Energy Systems as part of the Institute for Sustainable Energy Systems (ISES), a scientific methodology for identifying the operating mode of the main electrical consumers in complex building structures was developed and applied as part of a research project in the R building at Munich University of Applied Sciences. Against the backdrop of the worsening climate and energy crisis, the Executive Board of Munich University of Applied Sciences initiated an internal, strategic project for the data-based identification of measures to reduce energy consumption and improve energy efficiency at Munich University of Applied Sciences (DARE²@HM).

Project description

In a first step, the aim of the project is to further develop an existing energy monitoring concept. Based on the results of the research project, a concept for a university-wide electrical and thermal energy monitoring system will be developed. This requires the permanent and high-resolution collection of electrical and thermal consumption data for each building. Initially, the implementation of the energy monitoring system is planned for buildings A, B, C, D, E, G and R. In addition, buildings K and L will be subject to close cooperation with the Green Campus Pasing's Ökoprofit project.

Another key component of the project is the creation of a data basis for identifying the energy-saving potential of Munich University of Applied Sciences. To this end, temporary individual consumer measurements are being carried out in various university buildings. Specifically, the aim is to create a meaningful database for the identification of key consumers and, as a result, for the evaluation of measures (effectiveness, resource requirements, feasibility). This should provide a sound basis for decision-making for the future prioritisation of measures. During the project, concrete energy-saving measures at Munich University of Applied Sciences should be identified, conceptualised and evaluated on the basis of data. Ideally, the first energy-saving measures, e.g. in the areas of ventilation and lighting, will already be implemented during the project. In addition, plans and concepts for further necessary and possible steps to improve the university's energy efficiency will be drawn up. The aim is to gain a clearer assessment of the possible contribution to climate neutrality through energy-saving measures (compared to other measures, e.g. regular generation, changes to energy supply contracts and CO2 compensation) and the interaction of these components.

An important success factor of the project is seen in consolidating cooperation between the various internal stakeholder groups at the university with regard to Munich University of Applied Sciences' efforts to reduce its energy requirements. With this in mind, the project aims to lay the foundations for making the expertise available at Munich University of Applied Sciences from building management, administration, experts from among the professors, students and other sustainability initiatives visible, bringing them together and contributing to the university's future viability.

Project manager: Matthias Maier

General project information:

  • Duration: 01.04.2023 - 31.03.2024
  • Funding body: HM University board

Internal project partners:

  • University management
  • Head of Facility Management and Climate Protection Manager
  • Sustainability management NM
  • Experts from building management, professors and students