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Solar maintenance with Solar InsightZ app

Zimpertec is a german company producing solar systems for people living in rural areas worldwide. The after-sales service and repairment process for solar technicians has been a complicated and time-consuming process until now. Technicians were not able to analyze the system data, repair the system immediately and always had to bring the system back to a central hub.

In a cooperative consulting project between Hochschule München (HM) and Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK), students developed an app called Solar InsightZ. The app is intended to simplify the repairment process of solar systems in the future.

Through Solar InsightZ, technicians are now able to connect their smartphone to the solar system and access vital data of the system and receive error notifications. Making solar system data accessible and visible to technicians is boosting the efficiency of the maintenance process and minimizing downtimes.

According to Zimpertecs COO Ulrich Zimmermann: "Solar InsightZ extends Zimpertec's product USP (Unique Selling Proposition) with a further core element of better and simpler usability. In addition, it simplifies after sales support through a faster and more efficient error identification “.

In a time when sustainable practices are not only encouraged but expected, the development of energy efficient solutions is of great importance. Zimpertec recognizes the importance of responsible practices in the solar industry. The implementation of Solar InsightZ will help significantly reducing the environmental impact by curbing E-Waste.In the future technicians will also have the possibility of data sharing with Zimpertec. This improved data collection will serve a dual purpose. It not only ensures effective data analytics but also sets the stage for future sustainable product development of solar systems.

Semester: Wintersemester 2023/2024

Challenge Partner: Zimpertec, Ulrich Zimmermann

Supervision: Prof. Dr. Holger Günzel, Prof. Dr. Lars Brehm, Prof. Dr. Jessica Slamka, Jere Käpyha, Anne Mari Stenbacka, Hans-Jürgen Haak

Faculty: FK 12 BWL

In Cooperation with Co-Innovation Lab