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Apps for refugees integration - BRK

The Bavarian Red Cross rescues people, helps in emergencies, provides a community, stands by the poor and needy, and watches over international humanitarian law, in Bavaria and around the world.

For migrant people, arriving in Germany is often a great challenge anyway. Especially for those with limited and missing language or writing skills, orientation is very difficult, which negatively influences social participation in the long run. Information about the existence of contact points, contact persons, offers and actions very often do not reach the described target group or only in a roundabout way. Currently, there is a lack of supportive tools and possibilities with which these people can be helped in an uncomplicated, easy-to-use and needs-oriented manner.

Solution Team „ANNA” (Accessible Navigation for New Arrivals)

Refugees face significant challenges in accessing vital information and support during the resettlement process. Language barriers, limited resources, and a shortage of social workers create obstacles that hinder their ability to navigate their new environment effectively. This information gap delays their integration, jeopardizing crucial milestones such as finding housing, employment, and essential services.
By offering a user-friendly platform available in over 95 languages, ANNA provides refugees with instant access to accurate and practical information tailored to their specific needs. The app provides comprehensive support, including forms, addresses, tips, and tricks, all presented in a concise and easily understandable manner. With the addition of a speech function, ANNA enables voice interactions, enhancing accessibility and usability. By equipping refugees with the necessary resources and guidance, ANNA streamlines the integration process and empowers refugees to navigate their new environment with ease.

Solution Team „TransitTrail“

How might we provide refugees with a user-friendly and accessible solution to overcome language barriers, navigate complex transportation systems, understand ticketing options, and learn appropriate behavior in order to enhance their mobility and integration?
Our solution is designed as a user-friendly app with intuitive interface and features. It incorporates multilingual support to cater to diverse language needs, offers clear and step-by-step navigation instructions, provides comprehensive information on ticket types and prices, and includes guidelines on proper behavior in public transportation. The design focuses on simplicity, accessibility, and addressing the specific needs of refugees to ensure a seamless and inclusive experience.

Solution Team „INTEGREAT“

Refugees often face communication barriers, have limited social networks, and experience social isolation and prejudice. These barriers often limit their opportunities, potential and quality of life.

Integrate is a platform designed to bridge the gap between refugees and locals. Through features like event discovery and creation, user profiles, and more, the app enables refugees to bridge this gap and succeed. The platform is designed to appeal to a variety of users. Whether you are a refugee who needs to integrate into a new society, an NGO worker who wants to help refugees acclimate, or a local who wants to expand their social network and understanding of other cultures, INTEGREAT is the solution for everyone.

Solution Team „Project BRK Translate“

For refugees with limited knowledge of German and reading and writing difficulties, dealing with official correspondence, such as letters from immigration authorities, social welfare offices or other relevant institutions, is a major and pressing challenge.

With the app's scanning function, refugees can easily capture their documents. Once scanned, the app extracts the text and provides an accurate translation. In addition to this feature, video tutorials are provided to guide refugees through filling out certain official documents.

Semester: Summersemester 2023

Faculty: SCE Real Projects and MUC.DAI

Supervision: Dr. Audrey Stolze and Prof. Dr. Gudrun Socher

Challenge Partner: Bavarian Red Cross