Performance art app - Residenztheater München

The Residenztheater is one of the most traditional and largest spoken-word theaters in the German-speaking world. Under its artistic direction, it stands for an ensemble theater that focuses on contemporary drama with premieres and new poetry alongside the cultivation of a classical repertoire. Classical material and texts are questioned from the here and now and experience a new poetry or transmission.
Ilja Mirsky has been digital dramaturge at the Residenztheater in Munich since September 2022. With Resi digital, neither a new section nor a digital stage is being created, but rather an artistic process is being initiated. The focus is on the aesthetic development and fusion of stage art with digital narratives and analog forms of presentation. New media, future technologies and long-term artistic visions are to reconcile the dissonance of digital and analog theater formats in order to enable new possibilities of encounter between actors* and audience.
The Digital Performance Art App is planned as a modular web app to further think artistic formats through the use of digital technologies.
- What might a platform look like that interweaves both content (e.g., the theater program), artistic formats (e.g., audio walks, audio books, AR applications to the play, interactive 360° videos, etc.), and encounters (e.g., in the form of chats, video calls, video snippets, blogs, etc.)?
- Could the use of digital technologies, for example, extend the physical encounters of spectators* from the theater space into the digital?
Students will work on these questions during the summer semester in the Mobile Applications module of the Computer Science and Design course.
Semester: Summersemester 2023
Faculty: MUC.DAI
Professors: Prof. Dr. Gudrun Socher
Challenge Partner: Ilja Mirsky, Digital Dramaturg Residenztheater Munich